61: Finding a Balance Between Authenticity, Promotion, Quality, and Quantity


Daniel Kellogg:

How do you find a balance between authenticity, promotion, quality, and quantity?

Andrew Ousley:

It all comes down to the analytics, the evaluation. So everything should be authentic and everything should be as high quality as it can be, but if there is content, that's amazing, like an amazing video of you performing, that is where the performance itself is extraordinary, but say the quality is the lights are low or somebody is moving around a little bit with it. If it's an amazing performance, put it up. People will respond to the music making. So I think it's, it's learning that sort of triangle relation between what, what your community is going to respond to,

what's the best, most authentic content that your community will respond to, but if something is a little lower quality, but, ho-- you know, they'll respond to it, post it. It's a blurry photo of you with, you know, one of your greatest heroes. Post it. People will still people aren't going to say like, Oh, it's not very sharp. They're going to be like, that's amazing.


62: Managing Time in a Multi-Faceted Career


60: Lasting PR Advice